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PAMS - Alarm Management for Airport Ground Based Systems


Advanced systems for monitoring the status of airfield ground based systems and services, ranging from Air Traffic Control (ATC), Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS), UPS and meteorological equipment

Find out more at the PAMS website.

PAMS functionality is based on systems designed by Tascomp that have been installed and proven in a commercial airport environment since 2003 and are now used at airports across the United Kingdom and overseas.

The system provides Engineering, Maintenance and ATC with a cost effective, state of the art solution for alarm management, which gives instant alarm notification and recording of user response and overall status for all monitored systems and services.

The system offers:

  • Excellent reliability.
  • Easy re-configuration of alarm channels.
  • Automatic event recording and reporting.
  • Capacity to expand to meet future requirements.
  • Distributed, remote monitoring via PC network.
  • Global & sub-grouped alarms.
  • Multiple alarm access & acceptance points.
PAMS has been designed to provide a highly reliable alarm status monitoring package. With highly configurable layouts of alarms, user restrictions and configuration, PAMS uses touchscreens to display status information to users. Alarms can be either shown individually as separate buttons or grouped together for high level presentations which allow the user to drill down further into the group or selection.

The touch screen functionality provides a quick and intuitive method of acknowledging status changes whilst keyboard and mouse are availabile for more complex tasks such as alarm configuration and report generation.

Reference: CAP670 Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements
Example PAMS layout

Group Alarm Server

PAMS Group Alarm Server provides a supervisory system for multiple PAMS Site Systems so that a central overview of several airports can be presented. Group Alarm Server provides an overview display of the status of all monitored sites and the ability to view the full status display of any individual site. Group Alarm Server also consolidates all alarm status event data making it possible to view and analyse alarm history over any period.
group alarm server Example PAMS Group Alarm Server Layout

Find out more at the PAMS website.